Pre-Registration: Please register ahead of time, if at all possible. Pre-registration allows us to have accurate meal counts, gives us info to facilitate home stays and ride sharing, and helps us plan overall. While payment at the time of registration is preferable, you may pay by check when you arrive in person at the registration desk, after having created an invoice during registration.
Membership Discount:PMN members receive a $20 discount for full weekend registration.
Early-bird Discount: Adult full weekend registrations received by Monday, May 8, 2023 at 11:59 PM, receive a $10 discount.
Accommodations: When you register, you may request a private or semi-private room, many of which have double beds. Priority is given to persons with special medical needs. After that, rooms are assigned by lottery with priority given to couples sharing a bed. There is also abundant shared cabin space as well as options to set up a tent.
Financial Aid: We don’t turn anyone away for lack of funds. If you can’t afford to pay at least the low-income rate, please contact <> to request a cost reduction and please state what you can afford. The cost to PMN for food and overnight lodging at the camp, before covering any of PMN's operating budget, is approximately $175/person.
The Matt Jones Scholarship Fund: This Fund fosters a multi-racial and inter-generational artistic and political community at PMN by providing registration and partial travel stipends to young people and people of color. Click here for more info.
Donating to the PMN Scholarship Fund helps keep PMN accessible. Thank you!
Work Shifts: The cost of the weekend is reduced because we share the workload! Please sign up for two one-hour work shifts when you arrive.
Cancellations by May 13, 2023 will be fully refunded. After May 13, PMN will subtract $70 to cover food costs.