Information for New Members

If you are not a PMN member, please consider joining us by clicking the Join PMN! button above.

Welcome to People's Music Network Membership!

We ask you to promptly complete these tasks after you start your membership. You may want to print this page for reference while performing these tasks.

Log in

You must log in to the web site to gain access to your member profile and other special benefits, like reduced rates for events and more. To log in, click the Login button at the top right of the page. You will need the e-mail address we have on record for you and your password.

If you forgot your password, click the Forgot password link on the login page. You will receive an automated e-mail with a link to reset it.

Important: If you are using a shared computer, don't forget to click Logout when you are finished. This prevents others from using your PMN account.

If you can't remember the e-mail address that we have on file for you, please contact

Visit your member profile

If you don't see your member profile after you log in, click on your name in the upper right of the PMN web site. Follow the instructions below to make sure your profile is complete and correct.

Check your renewal date and membership level

Review your membership level and renewal date. If these are not correct, please contact to make a change. Do not click the "Change" link for membership level. That is intended for members to change their membership level when it is time to renew. Changing your membership level using that link will result in an additional charge and a new renewal date. 

If your membership has lapsed (i.e, your renewal date has passed), please click to renew it online. You can also mail a check to the office (found on the "Contact" page.)

Please note: If your membership profile was created when we transferred it from our previous member management system (In December 2017), then this step is particularly important to make sure that there was no error in the transfer process.

Edit or add new information to your profile

Click the Edit Profile button to change or add new information to your profile. Don't forget to click Save when you are done editing your profile.

Keep in mind that you determine whether your profile information is shared with other members and/or the general public. See below.

Check or change your privacy settings

By default, we share your name with the general public in our online member directory. The rest of your profile is shared only to members when they log in to the web site. When you are viewing your profile, click the Privacy button to view the information that is shared with others. Then click the Edit button to change the information you share. Don't forget to click Save when you are done.

If you would like to hide your e-mail address you can still enable the "Send message form" in your privacy profile. This allows others to send you a message without revealing your e-mail address to them.

Of special consideration is the field "Available for gigs?". If you specify "Yes" to this question in your profile, then you will be included in our special Members for Hire directory. This is searchable by the general public and can be a valuable service for those members who are seeking performance or other opportunities. If you choose to be included in this special directory, please make sure that you change your privacy settings so that the general public can learn more about you and can view your contact information.

New: PMN Mobile App and SMS Text Notifications

PMN can now send you membership reminders and event updates by SMS text, but only if you opt-in to allow this. When you receive SMS text reminders, you can use the mobile app to do most of the things you can do from your computer, such as register for PMN events, search the PMN member directory, check your membership status, update your membership profile, and review your past event registrations.

Make this all possible by following 2 steps:

1. OPT-IN TO RECEIVE TEXTS FROM PMN: Go to and press the "Edit Profile" button. Scroll down to "Text/SMS Consent" and add a check mark on the box. This allows PMN to send texts to you.

2. GET THE MOBILE APP FOR YOUR SMART PHONE: Search for the free app called "Wild Apricot for Members". Download it to your smart phone. Open the app. Log into your account by entering the email address and password you use for your PMN member record. If you forgot your password, you will have to re-set it on your phone and then use the new password you create to log into the browser on your computer.


Special membership rates are available when you register for events, provided you log in to the web site first. When you register for events, you can pay via credit card online or pay via check (by mail or at the event). You can view invoices and payments by clicking that link in your member profile.

To see and register for an upcoming event, click on the Events menu, or click here


The News page of the web site is the official PMN blog. It is viewable by the general public. A small  group of "News Editors" are permitted to post to this page. 

Other things to check out

As time permits, we suggest you peruse other parts of the Members menu. For example: 

Member Notes is a member blog which can be viewed by the general public. As a member, you can post information that you'd like to share with the rest of the world. For example, your upcoming gigs, an article that you think may be of interest to others, and more. Keep in mind that this blog is viewable by the public, so make sure the items you post are appropriate for all ages and that you present yourself in the most positive way.

Member Forums are online discussions. The "General Interest" forum is viewable by the general public, but only members can post to it. There are several other forums available only to members. If you prefer to get notified via e-mail when someone contributes to discussion in a forum, there is a link to subscribe to each forum.

If you think we should add a forum, or if you'd like to take responsibility to monitor a forum, please contact


Do check out our membership benefits page.

    ©2017-2021 People's Music Network for Songs of Freedom and Struggle is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software