Would you like to meet fellow members of the People's Music Network from around the world and learn about what inspires them to make music? Whether you're a new member or a longtime member who wants to see old friends and welcome new ones, join us for this hour of conversation and community. Each PMN Coffee Hour has a conversation starter. There will be sharing in the main room as well as the option to break out into small groups. There may even be time to sing a sample of a song/text with the group as it relates to the main topic. Bring your own drinks and snacks!
Topic for October 3:
The pandemic has had profound effects on musicians. There are new obstacles to gathering in person for performances as well as new modes of online performance. Let's share this virtual space together as fellow members of the People's Music Network who are committed to raising consciousness through music. Let's learn more about how we are each coping with new realities. Please come to this back-and-forth discussion having given some thought to these questions:
Registration for this event is open to all members of PMN. Not a member? Check out our inclusive sliding scale membership policy.
Immediately upon registering, you will receive an e-mail confirmation that provides you a link to a private Zoom meeting.
Discussion Facilitators:
Gary Allard: A new member of the PMN Steering Committee. Gary is is a soulful Contemporary Singer-Songwriter. He composes his lyrics from his own personal and social experiences.
Lucas Meyer: The producer of online concerts for the Left Labor Chorus, based in Vancouver, British Colombia.
©2017-2021 People's Music Network for Songs of Freedom and Struggle is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.